Homestead High School Music Boosters is composed entirely of volunteers
A few facts of volunteering at HHSMB:
ANYONE can volunteer - current music parents as well as alumni parents are welcome
EASY - no experience is needed !!!
REMEMBER - your student’s opportunity to participate in the various music programs is dependent, in part, on the financial and volunteer support you provide
PLUS anything you do will be appreciated, and you get the bonus of being part of one of the most exciting groups on campus !!!
How You Can Help:
Help lead the business of the Music Boosters as a Booster Board Member
Help lead and organize music program major initiatives as a Booster committee chair. Here are some examples:
Become a Uniform Lead
Become a Volunteer Lead
Become a Snack Shack Lead
Help support music program performances and competitions
Help is needed before, during and after each scheduled event. Some tasks can be completed in your home, while others will require your presence at the event
We use signup.com to make signing up for event volunteer spots easy
Please review the CURRENT AVAILABLE volunteer opportunities and consider signing up!
Help support Booster fundraising events
Football concessions is a significant source of Music Booster funds and requires a lot of volunteers at home football games
If you would like to volunteer or have questions about how to volunteer, please contact volunteer@homesteadband.org the Boosters volunteer coordinator
Need to get reimbursed? complete the HHS Music Boosters Expense Reimbursement Form 2021